The simple seven steps that SalesGig provides below for the sales process can effectively turn warm leads into loyal customers.
In this article, we answer the burning question: “what are the seven steps of the sales process?”
On several occasions, most salespersons start their pitch by telling their prospective clients the benefits their product and service can bring to them. Apart from advantages, they don’t have anything else to talk about with the client.
For better connections, a salesperson must carefully analyze the customer’s profile and come up with the best way to pitch the product to them.
And do not rush this!
Take your time to research your clients thoroughly - though by working with a B2B lead generation company, such as SalesGig, they can do this part for you.
Next, start evaluating the chances of your lead becoming a loyal customer. Is your company meeting all of the specific requirements they have? Are there any particular changes you need to make to the product? Identify all of your clients’ requirements, their budget, and the timeline that they’ll want you to follow.
You can follow three approaches when you’re pitching a product or a service:
You give your prospective customer a gift when you meet them for the first time.
You ask them a question about the current situation. This gets them interested in what you have to offer.
You start by giving your potential customer a sample or a demo version of the product they can review to understand what you have to offer.
Since you’ve identified the concerns of the customer beforehand, you can mold your pitch so that it impresses the customer. Personalize it as much as you can, while also showing the customer how they can benefit from your product and how it is the solution to all of their problems.
While you’re pitching the product, keep addressing the concerns that arise from the customer.
Just like the pitching stage, the proposal also needs to be tailored exactly to the requirements of the client you’re dealing with. It should list all of the important details you’ve managed to gather in your interactions.
There are three closing strategies you can try:
You assume that you’ve made the sale and offer the customer two options that close the sale for them. For instance, “Do you want to pay every month or do you want to agree on a year’s installment?”
You offer a client something extra to close the deal, like an added discount.
You tell the client that there’s less time for them to make a decision. The idea behind this is to create a sense of urgency.
Even after you’ve closed the sale, stay in touch with the customer, they can come to you for more business! Always make sure to follow up!
If you’re still wondering “what are the seven steps of the sales process,” go through the information above once again to clarify all of your confusions. Contact us today to learn more about how SalesGig can help you fill your sales funnel with new leads today. With our omni-channel approach to B2B lead generation, you’ll have more time to focus on crushing your next sales presentation and closing the deal.
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